Curatorial project by Filip Dvořák and Hana Buddeus with catalog and graphic design by Štěpán Marko and Jaromír Skácel.
Výstava bez děl
Přehlídka pohledů do zákulisí.
Proces produkce artefaktu
a výtvarná hodnota všech jeho fází
backstage umění
Barva tapety na čtvrté stěně
Objevit krásu zadních stran kulis
postavit lešení místo domu
filmový štáb před zrcadlem
Aplaus pro švy opony
a děravé podrážky hercových bot.
Filip Dvořák
Exhibition without artworks
Array of glimpses behind the scenes
Process of artifact production and
the aesthetic value of its phases
Backstage of the arts
Which coloris the wallpaper covering the fourth wall
Discovering the beauty of the reverse side of stage properties
Erecting a scaffolding in place of a house
Film crew in the mirror
Applause goes to the curtain seams
and holes in the actor’s soles
Filip Dvořák
Originally we invited more than eighty artists to participate on a formally defined group exhibition– the limit was given only by the gallery’s physical dispositions. We have sent an e-mail to all of them describing what it is that interests us: on the one hand, things that had been utilized for an artwork in one way or another (be it as stage properties, models or mechanisms); on the other hand, reproductions of artworks for the purposes of further distribution and archival. We have also asked the artists to send us a short caption to each of the objects. Our focus was everything but the usual focus of galleries, that is artworks themselves. We wanted to show what precedes artworks and concentrate on the visual properties of the source materials, tracing the artists’ personal relationships to concrete objects. We found ourselves curious as to who will agree to lend us what, what will happen when we exhibit such things side by side. A bizarre archive of objects has been created, things whose only connection is that an artist had them in their studio, somehow was inspired by them or used them for the creation of an artwork,deemed them sufficient for the purposes of our assignment and entrusted us with their exhibition. We have turned our attention to the opposite pole of artistic production at the same time, to what follows immediately after the completion and exhibition of a concrete artwork, the necessity to document the exhibition in turn and perpetuate its existence in a shared space. This is why we have invited the photographer Hynek Alt and the graphic designers Štěpán Marko and Jaromír Skácel to join us. They will work with the display for the duration of the exhibition and will present their results at the closing party.
Hana Buddeus
Participating artists:
Matěj Al Ali, Hynek Alt, Alžběta Bačíková, Zbyněk Baladrán, Radek Brousil, David Böhm a Jiří Franta, Romana Drdová, Petr Dub, Peter Fabo, Barbora Fastrová, Tereza Fišerová, Jan Haubelt, Juliana Höschlová, Tomáš Hrůza, Jakub Jansa, Pavel Jestřáb, Antonín Jirát, Eva Jiřička, Martin Kolarov, Alena Kotzmannová, Václav Kopecký, Eva Koťátková, David Krňanský, Matouš Lipus, Martin Lukáč, Jan Martinec, Jan Maštera, Marek Meduna, Josef Mladějovský, Matěj Pavlík, Anna Ročňová, Mark Rohel, Janek Rous, Rudolf Samohejl, Iveta Schovancová, Martina Smutná, Tomáš Svoboda, Roman Štětina, Petr Šprincl a Marie Hájková, Jiří Thýn, Jakub Tomáš, Aleksandra Vajd, Miroslava a Vladimíra Večeřovy, Ladislav Vondrák, Dušan Zahoranský, Iryna Zakharova, Aleš Zapletal, Junsheng Zhou